Timeworn Here, there's a sense of timeless solitude, a place where the past whispers on the wind, a reminder of the power of nature and the echoes left behind on the trails of time.
1/1 Monotype, plate size 22 x 30, custom double mat and gray metal frame, 30 x 38”

Impressions of a Garden
14.5 x 16” Matted, Image size 10 x 8”
Monotype/Collage, 1/1

"Dreams Take Flight" Open your imagination to new possibilities.
Monotype, 1/1, plate size 6 x 6”, matted, presented in a 12 x 12 black metal frame

"Among the Trees"
Mixed media monotype, custom mat and gray metal frame, 16.25 x 16.25,” 1/1

"A Story Yet to Emerge“
Mixed media monotype, custom mat and gray metal frame, 16.25 x 16.25,” 1/1

"The Light Through the Trees“
Mixed media monotype, custom mat and gray metal frame, 16.25 x 16.25,” 1/1

All Around the Neighborhood takes me back to carefree days of childhood where the neighborhood kids would go from house to house. Mixed Media Monotype, Plate size 18 x 24”, custom mat and navy blue wood frame, 27.5 x 33” 1/1

CrossingWhat do you see when you look at this print? I saw a crossing like a bridge or an aqua duct, or a train crossing. Then the analogies of just what a crossing could mean came to mind…it’s wide open to interpretation.
Mixed media monotype, Plate size 16 x 16”, matted and custom framed in metal to 24 x 24.75”, 1/1

The Trees Sing “In nature, nothing is perfect and everything is perfect. Trees can be contorted, bent in weird ways, and they're still beautiful.” Alice Walker
Plate size 12 x 16”, simply framed with a white mat and brushed gray metal custom frame, finished size 20 x 23” Mixed Media Monotype 1/1

Blue Sky Days“The clearest way into the Universe is through a forest wilderness.”― John Muir
Mixed media monotype, custom mat and gray metal frame, 16.25 x 16.25,” 1/1

The Forest Through the Trees “Trees are poems that the earth writes upon the sky.”— Kahlil Gibran
Mixed media monotype, custom mat and gray metal frame, 16.25 x 16.25,” 1/1

“Trailhead” To me this print has the feel of a trail map. The vertical element being a trail post and all the various circles are the best camping spots around. Perfect for the backpacker in the family. Monoprint plate size 12 x 12”; Framed 20 x 19.5 “ 1/1

Mountains and Meadows John Muir has good advise... "Keep close to Nature's heart... and break clear away, once in awhile, and climb a mountain or spend a week in the woods. Wash your spirit clean."
Mixed Media Monoprint, Matted @ 27.75 x 32, 1/1

Road Trip II
Mixed media monotype, custom mat and metal frame, 16.25 x 16.25,” 1/1

Bloom Where You Are Planted The French have a saying from the 15th century, “Fleuris la ou tu es plantee”, which means, “Bloom where you are planted.”
16 x 16” plate size, floated and framed in a gray metal frame @ 21 x 21” , mixed media monotype 1/1

The Poetry of the Earth
14.5 x 16 “ Matted, Monotype /Collage, 1/1

Between Here and There“But let there be spaces in your togetherness and let the winds of the heavens dance between you. Love one another but make not a bond of love: let it rather be a moving sea between the shores of your souls.” ~Khalil Gibran
Mixed Media Monotype, custom mat and metal frame, 26 x 31,” 1/1

We’re in the Same Boat Alluding to the risks of passengers in a small boat…at sea, at the dock or in life. If we work together the risk diminishes. Printed on cream BFK paper, 20 x 23” Custom Framed/Matted, Monotype, 1/1

The Landscape Listens Whether the image brings to mind a landscape at the beach, the desert, the hills….you know that if you listen you can hear the whisperings of its tale. Matted/Framed @ 17 x 26 inches

“Circumnavigation” Does this make you want to get away and explore your region? Monotype, Ready for you to hand, framed/matted 14 x 20”

I See the Moon
Mixed Media Monotype, 13 x 16 inches, 1/1

Echo of a Memory “Memory is the treasury and guardian of all things.” ~Cicero
Mixed Media Monotype, Matted/Custom Framed @ 26.25 x 32, 1/1

Between Moonset and Sunrise Early risers may see the morning view of seeing both the moon set and the sunrise. Magical. Mixed Media Monotype, Matted/Custom Framed @ 28 x 33, 1/1

Contours Contour lines describe the intersection of a real or hypothetical surface. Can you imagine the destination? Where will it take you? Mixed Media Monotype, Matted/Custom Framed @ 27 x 34" 1/1

“Enter” An invitation to imagine….please enter. 26 x 30” Double matted/framed in German Silver metal frame. Mixed Media Monoprint 1/1

Fault Lines In geology, a fault is a planar fracture or discontinuity in a volume of rock across which there has been significant displacement as a result of rock-mass. Framed/matted and ready to hang @ 13 x 20” Monoprint/Collagraph 1/1

Monotype, 18.25 x 20.25

Altered Course, there are days when you just need to go with the flow. Mixed media monoprint, matted and ready to frame 24 x 28.5” 1/1

“Space to Share” Sharing means caring….please remember that when hiking…leave with no trace. A mixed media monotype measures 8 x 8”

“Solitude is Sacred” is meant to reflect those moments in time that belong to only you, a solitary hike perhaps…it is just the element of time and all for you.A mixed media monotype measures 8 x 8”

“Rain Bouquet”
15 x 15” Mixed Media Monotype, 1/1

Through the Looking Glass What adventure awaits on the other side of the looking glass?Step into your imagination.
Mixed media monotype 12 x 12” 1/1

Road Trip I “Strong and content, I travel the open road.” ~Walt Whitman
Image size 6 x6, mixed media monotype framed and matted @ 12 x 12” - 1/1

Zen is the Japanese pronunciation of a Chinese word, ch'an, which comes from a Sanskrit root meaning "thought," "absorption," or "meditation." I feel the ZEN when hiking the river. Monotype, 16 x 19 inches

Estuary, where fresh water meets salt water. Framed, 19+ x 27” Monoprint/Collagraph, 1/1

Falling Edge, monoprint, 34 x 36 matted and framed, 1/1
“Come to the edge," he said.
"We can't, we're afraid!" they responded.
"Come to the edge," he said.
"We can't, We will fall!" they responded.
"Come to the edge," he said.
And so they came.
And he pushed them.
And they flew.”
― Guillaume Apollinaire

Miles to Go Before I Sleep
Monoprint 1/1, 26 x 33 inches

“Across the Bridge” Moving from one side to the other side, transcending boundaries and barriers, or absorbing nature while on walk, Framed 19 x 18” Monotype, 1/1

“Home is the Place You Go” Whether in be in your mind, imagination or in reality we all have that place that we call “home. 10.5 x 10.5” Framed Monotype, 1/1

“Sky Light” Oh, those glorious nights of color - lightens the spirit. 16 x 20”
Mixed Media Monotype, Matted and Framed, 1/1

“Warmed by the Sun” is there anything much better? Soak up the sun!
Mixed Media Monotype 10.5 x 10” Framed and Matted, 1/1
$265 - SOLD

“Awakening” A moment of realization….what will it bring?
Mixed Media Monotype 10.5 x 10” Framed and Matted, 1/1
$265 - SOLD

“Sky Light” Oh, those glorious nights of color - lightens the spirit. 16 x 20”
Mixed Media Monotype, Matted and Framed, 1/1
$390 - Sold

"Sticks and Stones" is a piece of a phrase recorded as far back as 1830. Can you finish the phrase? Sticks and stones may break my bones - but names will never harm me. This is a framed monotype measuring 15 x 15 inches. 1/1

The Sea Calls Sometimes one just has to breath the fresh air of the sea and stand and stare at the water. Framed and matted at 13.5 x 12 inches, Mixed Media Monotype
RiverSea Gallery, Astoria

“Day Dreaming” The view from below a canopy of trees…the places it will take you.
Mixed Media Linocut, 21.5 x 20 Matted & Framed 1/1

“In Light and Time” A moment in time as the light passes through the horizon captured in my memory and put to ink. Matted to 16 x 20” 1/1 Monotype

In the Deep of the NightMoonlit, the rocks stand tall and call into the night. This pieceis a mixed media collagraph, matted and framed in a black metal frame measuring 24 x 26 inches.

Rain . . . and Wind is a mixed media monotype. This print is uniquely matted and framed in a black metal frame and measures 21 x 17+ inches.

In the Early Hours Taking time for reflection before a busy day begins can affect the rest of the day.
Monotype, 1/1 - 14 x 22 inches

“Stories Told in Bandelier” was inspired by a visit to Bandelier National Monument in New Mexico. The monument preserves the homes and territory of the Ancestral Puebloans in the Southwest.
20 x 16 inches, Mixed Media Monotype, Floated/Framed, 1/1

Meadow View The meadow view brings calm and peace; a reminder to be a steward of the earth.
Monotype 16 x 16 inches 1/1

Spun to Gold Remember the story of Rumplestiltskin? This print is meant to represent the metamorphosis of daily life - we begin with "straw" hopefully to create "gold" moments of time. Monoprint/Collagraph, 1/1

Blue Moon A blue moon is the second of two full moons to occur in one month. The next blue moon occurs October 31, 2020.
Mixed Media Monotype, 9 x 12” 1/1

Days End The last sun glow of the day. Did you know at sunrise and sunset the path through the atmosphere is longer? Blue and green components are removed almost completely, leaving longer wavelength orange and red hues. The remaining reddened sunlight can be scattered by cloud droplets and other large particles to light up the horizon red and orange.
Monotype, 1/1 - 14 x 22 inches

Blue Sky OregonA blue sky day and everything is right with the world.This pieceis a monotype, matted and framed in a silvertone frame measuring 19 x 20 inches.

Step off the Trail Explore your options, see what’s out there in the world that will speak to your spirit.
Monotype, 1/1 - 14 x 22 inches

I Go to the Sea Can you hear the roar of the wind and the tide rolling? It is good to be at the beach. This piece is a monotype, matted and framed in a silvertone frame measuring 19 x 20 inches.

Bike Trails is a mixed media monoprint In the first run the plate was inked, wiped, and inked again with a slightly darker color, gears were placed on the plate surface in order to leave a white image and the plate was run through the press. On the second run gears were placed on the back side to create embossments and additional dimension on the print side. In the third run more color was added with a collaged element and individually inked gears.22 x 30 inches

Adaptation is a mixed media collagraph, it was run through the press several times with individually inked plates each time. This print is framed with a three inch mat and black metal frame and measures 26 x 18.25 inches.

Race Dreams interprets the hopes of the racer as the night-time gears turn and dreams roll into the next days reality. It is a mixed media monotype measuring 22 x 30 inches. It is a unique print, 1/1.
Adell Shetterly's print ... "cleverly captures, like lightning in a bottle, the sense of buzzing motion from bike racing. Three repeated rectangle block prints of reverse image bike races are stamped across the piece's bottom half; the upper half is covered in a calm periwinkle blue and adored with a dozen gray cranks. It is a picture that captures both the human spirit moving forward, set against the mechanical design of bicycles." Quote from Source newspaper

Illumination The night sky is lit by the illumination of the moon aglow. Unframed. 22 x 22 inches Monoprint/Collagraph, 1/1

Oh, So Lucky You know when you hike up to the lake and you find you have it all to yourself. Magic! Monoprint/Collagraph, 1/1

Moonlit At moonset, the moment the last light of the evening diminishes and the trees seem to glow. Framed at ~27 x 27 inches. Monoprint/Collagraph, 1/1

Aaras Established during during the Iron Age by the Gauls, the town of Aaras was frist known as Nemetocenna, which is believed to have originated from the Celtic word nemeton, meaning 'sacred space.' The first mention of the name Aaras appeared in the 12centruy. In the 14th century Aaras was well know for the production of fine tapestries. 22 x 30 inches. Monotype, 1/1